Sunday 2 June 2013

Watch your diet! Do you have these 5 crucial nutrients?

5 crucial nutrients you may be missing.
We eat every day to satisfy our hunger. But what about your body’s needs? Human body is a complicated structure with an intricate system. Find out about the 5 important nutrients you may be lacking.
1.      Magnesium:
An important nutrient involved in over 300 metabolic interactions in the body as well as being important for building muscle. Magnesium helps give us energy and is essential for cardiovascular health. It helps break down calcium in the body. Although calcium is extremely necessary, if it's not properly broken down it can build up and lead to arthritis. The best Sources are Rice, wheat, cocoa powder, sunflower seeds, nuts, spinach, beans and oatmeal.
2.      Vitamin B6
This nutrient helps our bodies maintain normal nerve function and helps in forming red blood cells. It helps your body maintain proper blood sugar levels and even plays a role in regulating sleep and appetite. Foods with vitamin B6 are chicken, turkey, beef, fish, nuts, vegetables, bran, sweet potatoes, bananas and garlic.
3.      Folic acid
The most common symptom of a folic acid shortage is anaemia — which is a deficiency in red blood cells causing headaches, fatigue, a sore tongue and poor concentration. By making folic acid a priority, you're helping to keep your brain young, your heart healthy and you're helping to prevent colon cancer. Have a lot of Spinach, broccoli, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish, eggs and chicken to combat this.
4.      Potassium
We know that too much sodium in the form of salt can raise blood pressure. Less well known fact is that deficiency of potassium also contributes to blood pressure. Falling short on potassium may also increase the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis! Find it in Potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, beans, peas, lentils, yogurt, bananas, fish and orange juice.
5.      Vitamin D
Recent findings suggest that over 70% of Adults have low vitamin D blood levels. It is known that vitamin D is an essential vitamin for adequate wound healing, immunity and maintaining blood pressure. Doctors call vitamin D the newest "wonder nutrient," the main function of this nutrient is to help your body absorb calcium; also protect you from diabetes, hypertension and some cancers, including breast cancer.
Increase your intake of Milk and other dairy products. The other best Sources are Whole eggs, salmon, vitamin D fortified skim milk.

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