Sunday 2 June 2013

Foods that beat belly bloat!

Not all have the time and energy to indulge on a diet regime and exercise routines. Here are few ways to tackle your belly bloat with little effort.

1. Cut back on salt
Reduce the amount of salt you are eating to reduce water retention and bloating.  Watch for hidden sources of sodium. "Over 80% of our daily sodium intake does not come from the salt shaker, but rather from processed and packaged foods," says Toronto based nutritionist, Victoria Orlewicz.
2. Peanut butter
Peanut butter is packed with niacin, essential to a vigorous digestive system. Limit yourself with two tablespoons a day and choose the all-natural brands free of added sugar.
3. Coconut water
The clear fluid inside young coconuts is refreshing and they’re more nutritional. Coconut water also features potassium, which aids in beating the bloat. Potassium is naturally able to flush our sodium from the body.
4. Yogurt
Yogurt is a great excuse to eat more fruits and add nutrients to your overall diet, as well as ease that uncomfortable, swollen feeling. Best idea is to look for yogurts with “live and active cultures” which is the good bacteria that helps with digestion.
5. Drink more peppermint tea
Doctors recommend drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating. It’s also good for nausea and for heating up the body and making it sweat. Peppermint tea is best made using fresh herbs from the garden, this is due to the fact that it's one of the easiest herbs to grow.

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