Saturday 20 July 2013

Green tea is beneficial

Beetroot juice

Medical insurance

olives are healthy

Weight loss 


Friendship is a promise! 
Family Insurance

Old- age Insurance

Insurance agents

Freedom is what every girl craves and deserves!

Freedom is what every girl craves and deserves!

Out door photography - A moment shared with nature

Sunday 2 June 2013

Simple tips for a balanced Diet!

Getting the right types and amounts of foods is crucial. To supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development, a perfectly balanced diet will be the most beneficial.
To chart down a perfect diet for your body, you will need to know:
·         The calories you should consume every day.
·         The size portions you should eat.
·         The healthy choices from each food group.
The most important step to eating a balanced diet is to educate yourself about what your body needs, and to read the nutrition label and ingredients of all the food you eat.

Guidelines for a perfect diet:
  • A balanced diet must be low in saturated and trans-fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol.
  • Your calorie intake must be compensated with exercise. Decrease the amount of calories you take in slowly while increasing exercise.
  • Eat 2 cups (4 servings) of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables (5 servings) per day for an average 2,000-calorie per day diet.
  • Eat more of whole-grain products per day along with fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products.
  • Get fewer than 7% of calories from saturated fatty acids. Make total fat intake no more than 20 - 35% of calories. Choose "good" fats such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils containing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Lean, low-fat, or fat-free meats, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products are preferable. Total fat intake can approach 35% if most of the fats are "good" fats.
  • Avoid fried foods, commercial baked goods such as donuts, cookies, crackers and any other processed foods.
  • Cholesterol intake must be less than 300 mg/day.
  • Consume fewer than 2,300 mg (approximately one teaspoon of salt) of sodium daily, and limit added salt when you prepare food.
  • Read nutrition labels on all foods. This will help you know what kind of fats, and how much, the food contains.

Foods that beat belly bloat!

Not all have the time and energy to indulge on a diet regime and exercise routines. Here are few ways to tackle your belly bloat with little effort.

1. Cut back on salt
Reduce the amount of salt you are eating to reduce water retention and bloating.  Watch for hidden sources of sodium. "Over 80% of our daily sodium intake does not come from the salt shaker, but rather from processed and packaged foods," says Toronto based nutritionist, Victoria Orlewicz.
2. Peanut butter
Peanut butter is packed with niacin, essential to a vigorous digestive system. Limit yourself with two tablespoons a day and choose the all-natural brands free of added sugar.
3. Coconut water
The clear fluid inside young coconuts is refreshing and they’re more nutritional. Coconut water also features potassium, which aids in beating the bloat. Potassium is naturally able to flush our sodium from the body.
4. Yogurt
Yogurt is a great excuse to eat more fruits and add nutrients to your overall diet, as well as ease that uncomfortable, swollen feeling. Best idea is to look for yogurts with “live and active cultures” which is the good bacteria that helps with digestion.
5. Drink more peppermint tea
Doctors recommend drinking peppermint tea to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating. It’s also good for nausea and for heating up the body and making it sweat. Peppermint tea is best made using fresh herbs from the garden, this is due to the fact that it's one of the easiest herbs to grow.

Turn to Fruits to loose weight!

The fruitarian diet has been around for hundreds of years and probably longer. The trend of being a fruitarian is fast catching up due to its proven records of health and weight loss benefits. Although being a fruitarian or not is individual choice, here’s why we think adding more fruits to one’s diet is a great idea!
Fruitarian and author David Wolfe says it is best to eat one type of fruit at a time and wait 45 minutes before another type of fruit is eaten. Fruits are generally classified into these categories.

Sub-acid fruits:
Examples: Sweet apples, sweet cherries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, pears, papayas, figs, apricots, and mangos.
These are packed with micro nutrients and fibres that help blood, bone and skin related functions.
Sweet fruits:
Examples: Bananas, grapes and melons.
These are heavy source of water and energy not to mention strength!
Examples: Pecans, almonds, Brazil, cashews, walnuts, macadamias, pistachios and hazelnuts.
These are rich in essential oils and aid in digestion as well as eye related functions.
Examples: Sunflower, sesame, flax seeds, and pumpkin.
Powerful nutrients help reduce cholesterol and fight cancer.
Each of these type of fruits are rich sources of their own unique nutrients and so eating a good combination of at least one from each type will keep you fit as a fiddle.
Many believe the quality of fruit available in most commercial supermarkets is low. This is due to hybridization, chemical fertilization, chemical pesticides, and harvesting before the fruit is at the peak of ripeness. We suggest buying certified organic fruit, preferably found at farmers’ markets and health food stores.

Watch your diet! Do you have these 5 crucial nutrients?

5 crucial nutrients you may be missing.
We eat every day to satisfy our hunger. But what about your body’s needs? Human body is a complicated structure with an intricate system. Find out about the 5 important nutrients you may be lacking.
1.      Magnesium:
An important nutrient involved in over 300 metabolic interactions in the body as well as being important for building muscle. Magnesium helps give us energy and is essential for cardiovascular health. It helps break down calcium in the body. Although calcium is extremely necessary, if it's not properly broken down it can build up and lead to arthritis. The best Sources are Rice, wheat, cocoa powder, sunflower seeds, nuts, spinach, beans and oatmeal.
2.      Vitamin B6
This nutrient helps our bodies maintain normal nerve function and helps in forming red blood cells. It helps your body maintain proper blood sugar levels and even plays a role in regulating sleep and appetite. Foods with vitamin B6 are chicken, turkey, beef, fish, nuts, vegetables, bran, sweet potatoes, bananas and garlic.
3.      Folic acid
The most common symptom of a folic acid shortage is anaemia — which is a deficiency in red blood cells causing headaches, fatigue, a sore tongue and poor concentration. By making folic acid a priority, you're helping to keep your brain young, your heart healthy and you're helping to prevent colon cancer. Have a lot of Spinach, broccoli, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish, eggs and chicken to combat this.
4.      Potassium
We know that too much sodium in the form of salt can raise blood pressure. Less well known fact is that deficiency of potassium also contributes to blood pressure. Falling short on potassium may also increase the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis! Find it in Potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, beans, peas, lentils, yogurt, bananas, fish and orange juice.
5.      Vitamin D
Recent findings suggest that over 70% of Adults have low vitamin D blood levels. It is known that vitamin D is an essential vitamin for adequate wound healing, immunity and maintaining blood pressure. Doctors call vitamin D the newest "wonder nutrient," the main function of this nutrient is to help your body absorb calcium; also protect you from diabetes, hypertension and some cancers, including breast cancer.
Increase your intake of Milk and other dairy products. The other best Sources are Whole eggs, salmon, vitamin D fortified skim milk.

Cool-down stretches! you need these!

Never underestimate the power of the cool-down stretches at the end of your workout. One should spend at least five minutes cooling down after every workout. The stretches will keep you limber and prevent tightness, helping you avoid injury.
Stretching improves circulation by increasing blood flow to your muscles. Better circulation helps the body recover faster by removing waste by products in muscle tissue.
Stretching also helps calm the mind and reduce stress levels. When you're anxious, worried, or worn out, it places extra strain on the body, causing you to feel stressed. By taking a few minutes each day to unwind you will experience a sense of relief and stress will slowly fade away.
Here are a few simple ones to try out:
For your hamstrings
·         Stand and take a very short step forward with your left leg.
·         Keeping your left leg straight and staying as upright as possible, bend your rear right leg until you can feel a stretch through the back of your front leg.
·         Rest your hands on your bent leg and hold the stretch for 20 seconds before swapping.
For your quads
·         Stand and bring your left knee upward, in front of you, take hold of your shoelaces and pull your foot back until your heel is touching your bottom.
·         Make sure that your standing leg is slightly bent, bring your knees together and ease your hips forwards.
·         Hold for 20 seconds and then swap legs.
For the chest
Standing straight, interlace fingers behind your back as you straighten out your arms and lift chin to ceiling.
For the Triceps/shoulders
·         Take one arm overhead, bend at elbow joint, and extend palm down centre of your back, gently pulling elbow with opposite hand.
·         Take same arm across the chest, gently pulling at the elbow joint, to extend through the shoulder. Switch arms.
For the Core/back
·         On all fours, arch your back making a C-shape with your spine, then relax.
·          Repeat three times.
·         Then sit back between your heels, forehead on the mat, arms extended in front of you, as you lengthen your back.

Do these 3 Functional exercises to be fit.

Exercises that simultaneously use multiple muscles and joints to improve muscular endurance, overall strength, coordination, balance, posture and agility are the latest favourites. To get a challenging, effective and fun full-body workout as well as prepare the body for every day activities follow these tips!
Medicine ball squat with overhead lift:
This exercise strengthens your legs, lower back, arms and shoulders.
·         Stand with your feet wide, holding a light medicine ball in front of you in both hands.
·         Squat down, moving your rear back and keeping your knees over your ankles, and lower the medicine ball to the floor, keeping your head up and back straight (don't hunch).
·         Return to a start position and lift the medicine ball over your head. Repeat the squat and lower ball to the ground. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.
·         Increase the weight of the ball as you get stronger.
Stair climbing with bicep curls:
Using stairs as part of your fitness program will keep your legs conditioned and toned. Partnering stair climbs with bicep curls will strengthen your arms and improve your ability to carry things up the stairs. This exercise will also boost your cardiovascular fitness.
·         Stand at the bottom of a flight of stairs holding a dumbbell in each hand.
·          Climb the stairs while performing bicep curls.
·         Walk or run down the stairs holding the weights but don't do curls.
·         Repeat five to 10 times.
·         Increase the dumbbell weight as your arms get stronger and mix up your climbs by taking two steps at a time for a flight or two.
Diagonal reach with medicine ball
This exercise works all the muscles arms, shoulders, legs that are involved in lifting something diagonally overhead as well as lowering it.
·         Stand tall, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands.
·          Lift the medicine ball diagonally overhead to the right, straightening your arms, while extending your left leg to the side, making a diagonal line from the medicine ball to your toes. Lower to start position.
·          Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg.
·         Increase the weight of the medicine ball and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles as you get stronger.

Pool Workouts! Fun way to loose weight!

The newest trend among fitness lovers are pool workouts. We all want to lose weight without breaking a sweat. What’s better than doing that in a pool! This fun water workout burns mega calories and tones every trouble spot. Get the ‘swimmers body’ this summer.

Did you know? Simply treading water vigorously can burn around 11 calories a minute, same as a six-mile-per-hour run! Perform as many reps of each exercise as you can in 30 seconds, rest and repeat. You will soon emerge with a splashing figure!
  • Targets: Arms, back, chest, abs, bottoms and hamstrings
In the deep end, tread water, making small circles with cupped hands, and lift right leg straight in front of you at hip level while reaching toes of left leg toward bottom of pool. Hold for 5 seconds.
Switch legs quickly, bringing right leg down as you raise left leg, and hold for 5 seconds. Continue for 30 seconds, alternating sides.
  • Hugging beach ball to chest, float on back, legs extended, and feet together.
Roll toward left and over top of ball, using entire body -- shoulders, back, core, legs -- to make a full revolution, returning to start. Take a breath. (Beginners can rock from side to side with head above water throughout.)
Continue for 30 seconds, alternating direction of roll.
  • Hold beach ball with arms stretched straight in front of you, float face down in chest-deep water so legs are extended behind you, feet together.
Keeping arms straight, pull ball underneath you, drawing it as fast as you can through water toward thighs in an arc. (As the ball is pressed underneath, it will lift you out of water to take a breath; beginners can keep head above water throughout.)
When ball reaches thighs, bend elbows to bring it back to surface and press it forward to return to start position. Continue for 30 seconds
  • Standing in shallow end of pool, simultaneously sit back into water, treading with hands by sides, and lift both legs together so that you fold at the hips and your body forms a wide V, with head and toes just above surface.
Maintaining V position, move cupped hands in small circles by hips to tread water and propel yourself forward (sculling) down length of pool for 30 seconds.
  • Facing pool wall in chest-deep water, hold on to edge of pool with left hand and place right palm, fingers pointing down, against wall just below water line for stability.
Extend legs behind you at water level with both feet and knees together, then kick like a dolphin: Initiate the motion with abs and hips and transfer it through thighs to knees and finally to feet. Kick as hard and as fast as you can for 30 seconds, trying to make the biggest waves possible.

Are you an adventure sports junkie? Here are the top 5!

Not all appreciate the thrill and fun of adventure sports. The rush that comes when adrenaline kicks in is an addiction in its own way.  Here are the top 5 all-time favourite extreme sports from around the world.  1.      Dirt biking: If you’ve moved on from on road cycling to mountain biking, then this must be next on your list. Dirt biking is for all those who are looking out to challenge their physical strength.  If you are someone who can handle a heavy machine with a roaring power and twisted roads, go get your helmet!

2.      Hang Gliding: Have you always wanted the freedom to fly through the air like a bird? Have your wish fulfilled! Hang Gliding lets you have a breath-taking glimpse of the world below. You can glide mid-air very smooth or go really extreme. Next time you go on a vacation, try this ultimate flying activity.

3.      Bungee jumping: Some might consider this sport to be the most adventurous due to the extensive adrenaline rush you experience once you try it. A true test of your mental strength and a memory for a lifetime!

4.      Kayaking: Love nature and work out? Try Kayaking! The reason why Kayaking is so famous is because it gives you the freedom to mould its intensity as you like it. Row through the calm river or fight against a rapids course, it’s your wish! Step away from the crowd and get your upper body toned.

5.      Surfing: Some say surfing is an art to master, we say it’s definitely fun! Play with the ocean as you work-out your arms, chest and back. Mastering the waves will leave you very feeling great for a long time.

Destinations for Extreme sports. The best places to be!

Extreme sports are best when the location is perfect. After all these are all outdoor sports! We tell you the best destinations for the adrenaline junkie!

·        British Columbia, Canada:
This is your destination for Heli-skiing. The best scenery for skiing as any of several local services will take you by chopper to the nearby mountain ranges.
·        South Africa:
Dive, raft, mountainclimb, go trekking, Safari Travel or enjoy white water expeditions or anything you want in this world.
·        Bali, Indonesia:
The islands of Bali are known for their stunning beauty and the adventure sports offered. With volcanic mountain ranges, white water rafting, boat racing or snorkelling in the sea, you can have your pick.
·        Nepal:
Think mountain climbing, think Nepal! The other adventure activities include trekking over the Annapurna, enjoying wildlife safaris, paragliding and river rafting. Don’t forget Mt. Everest!
·        Croatia:
Famous for offering world class rafting rides, its rivers offer Grade 3 and Grade 4 kayaking and rafting. Ride through beautiful forests and enjoy kayaking through the deep blue sea. Check out the necropolis of shipping vessels in the Adriatic Sea or visit over 1,200 small islands.
·        The Great Barrier Reef in Australia:
Perfect for many activities including snorkelling, scuba diving, kite surfing and body surfing. There is some amazing marine life to be explored.